Personal Training is the most effective way to reach your goals. With measurements, customised training sessions, nutrition advice, accountability and support; you’ll reach your goals faster and safer.
Group Classes
Group Fitness Classes are perfect for weight loss, get fitter and stronger and is affordable for any budget. Everyone is welcome to train in these classes and there is a tonne of variety, including Boxing, Pilates, MetCon andmore
This 8 Week Challenge is for the person who is serious about reaching their goals quickly. It includes, personal training sessions, unlimited Group Classes, nutrition advice, measurements and more. Start Anytime that suits you!
Online Training
Can’t make it in to train with us? No worries, you can still get the same support, guidance and customised exercise programs that I give my in gym clients. You’ll receive the Workouts, Nutrition Advice, Accountability Phone avails and more
Personal Training + Infra Red Sauna Package
This Special Package includes, 2x 45Min Personal Training Sessions Plus after each session you can jump in the Infra Red Sauna for 20mind to help muscle recovery and keep burning fat. Only $100 per week